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Our thoughts are with the victims and all those impacted by the tragic incident at Scottsdale Airport.
We extend our deepest sympathies to everyone affected during this difficult time.
Pinnacle Aviation wants to assure our community that this incident is not connected to our operations.

Upcoming Avionics Mandates

ADS-B Out & TCAS 7.1

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, also known as ADS-B, is a satellite-based surveillance system. ADS-B Out uses GPS technology to determine an aircraft’s location, airspeed and other data, and broadcasts that information to a network of ground stations. After it reaches the ground stations the data is sent to air traffic control displays and to nearby aircraft equipped to receive the data via ADS-B In. Before January 1, 2020 an operator will need to get ADS-B Out hardware installed in their aircraft before the mandate kicks in. To fulfill the ADS-B Out requirement, they will need to equip their aircraft with either an integrated or stand alone transponder. Based upon the aircraft’s existing equipment, an operator can also upgrade to a Mode S transponder to fulfill ADS-B Out compliance. Aircraft will also require a position source in the United States, a source that must be Selective Availability capable with a Wide Area Augmentation System GPS position source. For aircraft wanting to fly to Europe, the ADS-B mandates also come along with the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) 7.1 mandate, which is unique to Europe as it requires in-service TCAS systems to be Change 7.1 compliant by January 1, 2017. 


FANS 1/A+ uses the Global Aircraft Communications and Reporting System Network, which leverages Air Traffic Control for text messaging between controllers and pilots. By the beginning of 2018 over 50 airports will be able to provide these digital departure clearances.

Protected Mode-Controller Pilot Data Link Communication also known as PM-CPDLC helps aircraft fly preferred routes with the help of the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network. This mandate was originally set for February of 2015, but regulators pushed it back to 2020. To comply with these mandates operators will need to upgrade their communication, navigation and surveillance equipment onboard the aircraft.

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